
Mar. 01, 2016 Primary Election Results

Early voting Feb. 16 - 26. Election day, March 01, 2016, Polls open 7 AM to 7 PM, see details for polling locations. Photographic Voter ID now required!

Nov. 03 2015 General Election Results & Sample Ballot

Early voting Oct. 19 - 30. Election day, Polls open 7 AM to 7 PM, see details for polling locations. Photographic Voter ID now required!

2015 May Election for City, FISD

Sample Ballots and Results for Elections for City council and Mayor, and FISD held on May 09, 2015.

April 20 FDBA Candidates Forum - Mayor Rozell withdraws from race

Candidates for City and FISD were featured at the Forney DBA Candidate Forum, which ended with Mr. Rozell announcing he was withdrawing from the race and endorsing Ms. Penn.

Forney EDC April 09, 2015 approves downtown renovation money, moves to buy land

The Forney EDC approved 2 downtown Renovation Incentives, moves to do something about a utility easement downtown, moves forward on preparing to purchase the surplus TxDOT property at FM548/FM688/US Hwy 80.

Forney City Council Apr. 07, 2015 removes 125-seat requirement

The Council removed 125-seat requirement for restaurants to sell alcohol; allowed for taller buildings; received a clean audit.

Forney P&Z Apr. 2, 2015 removes seating requirements, approves tall buildings

During its regular April 02, 2015 meeting, the Forney Planning & Zoning Commission -

Forney City Council Mar. 17, 2015 approves 2nd 7-11 w/ car-wash, rezones & annexes land

During its regular March 17, 2015 meeting, the Forney City Council -


Forney EDC Mar. 12 2015 goes paperless, continues with Crumbzz

The FEDC approved moving forward with paperless agendas, and to continue negotiations to extend the Crumbzz lease agreement.

Forney P&Z Mar. 10 approves second 7-11 store and Mixed Use rezoning

The P&Z approved a "south" 7-11 store at FM 741 & FM 548, in the Fox Hollow PD, and zoning changes for 29 + 57 acres on the West side of Forney.


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