Council ponders a couple of difficult items.

Dec. 05, 2023 Forney City Council recognized Eagle Scouts, considered reducing speed limit, Smurfit Kappa water rate, Housing Authority.

FISD special meeting for Closed Session

Forney ISD held a special all-executive meeting to consider Real Property and Personnel

Latest News and Events

Council approves annexing 201 acres, leaves parks and buildings closed.

May 05, 2020 Forney City Council considered FISD Admin renovations, youth curfew, annexing 201 acres, fiber connections to city buildings, parks and city buildings closures.

Council considers annual inspection of rental properties

Apr. 21, 2020 Forney City Council considered third 7-11 store, Eric Davis renovation, sidewalks, delinquent water accounts, expanding Farmers Markets, annual rental inspections, including vaping in smoking ordinance, increased sports field fees, another contract for Christmas Light Display.

Council again closes parks, except for trail

Apr. 07, 2020 Forney City Council virtually considered annexation of 201 acres, electric trams for light show and the Disaster Declaration.
During its regular (virtual) Apr. 07, 2020 meeting, the Forney City Council met to approve annexation of 201 acres, purchase electric trams for Christmas light show, not renew the Disaster Declaration and re-close all city parks, except for walking trail at Community Park.
(watch official video)

Forney ISD prepares for non-virtual future

FISD Apr. 06, 2020 discussed life with virtual learning, how they are supporting students and parents with campuses closed, moved forward with staff raises and plans for new schools.

P&Z considers 7-11 #3, Eric Davis remodel

Apr. 02, 2020 Forney P&Z considered a third 7-11, Diamond Creek Amenity Center, FHS welding shop, new E.L.Davis location, Primrose Estates again, and Farmers Market ordinance.

Kaufman County Judge issues shelter-in-place order

March 24, 2020 emergency Kaufman County Comm. Court met to consider extending Declaration of Local Disaster and a Shelter-in-Place Order.

Forney issues shelter-in-residence order

March 23 Forney City Council emergency meeting approved a shelter-in-residence ordinance, effective March 25 at 11:59 pm until April 8,

FEDC considers rent for tenants

Mar. 23, 2020 Forney Economic Development Corp. considered rental properties.

Council postpones election, closes parks

Mar. 19, 2020 Forney City Council emergency meeting to postpone May elections, close parks.

Forney ISD approves pay for employees during closure

Mar. 17, 2020 emergency meeting, the Forney ISD met at 07:30 AM to approve employee pay.

Council defines vicious dogs, gets COVID and racism updates

Mar. 17, 2020 Forney City Council met to reconsider Christmas lighting project, define vicious dogs, get a COVID update and to hear expanded racism update.

FISD extends Spring Break, City postpones events

Forney ISD extends virtual learning until at least Apr. 6, City postpones events, due to COVID-19 concerns.

FEDC ponders incentives for 905 E. Broad St

Mar. 12, 2020 Forney EDC considers facade/interior incentives for 905 E. Broad St. (Oncor) and secret stuff.

P&Z considers FISD Admin roadwork, Goodyear, Chipotle & McDonald's

Mar. 05, 2020 Forney P&Z met to consider plats for a bank, Chipotle, FISD Admin., Fox Daycare, larger McDonald's.

Council considers road-work bids, holds workshop

Mar. 03, 2020 Forney Council met to seek bids for roads, and hold a workshop.

Forney ISD accepts names for future schools

Mar. 02, 2020 Forney ISD recognized students, accepted donation, considered plans for new middle & intermediate campus, and elementaries 8 & 9;

ARB considers downtown window/door swap

Feb. 20, 2020 Forney HOZ Architecture Review Board considered a request to replace windows with a door for a downtown business.


Feb. 18, 2020 Forney City Council met to consider fiber connections, sidewalks, childcare parking, annual audit, call for an election, reposition public input, get a racism update.
