Forney EDC

Forney EDC to offer Crumbzz building for sale for one month

In Mar. 09, 2017 meeting approved facade grant for Wood's Transmission, and due to an offer for purchase, will place 212 S. Bois D'arc for sale, for one month, to seek alternative offers.

Forney EDC approves lease to Eno's Pizza Tavern

FEDC Feb. 09 meeting approves facade grant downtown, extends deadline for former TxDOT property, approves lease to Eno's Pizza Tavern.

Forney EDC considers Crumbzz sale, awards relocation grants

During its regular Jan. 11, 2017 meeting, the FEDC considers sale of 212 Bois D'arc (Crumbzz), and awarded two $20k grants to businesses for relocation assistance.

Forney EDC considers future tenants

Forney EDC Dec. 08, 2016 gets update on downtown project

City to help fund parking, buy land, work with Markout WSC

City Council Dec. 06 2016 approves funding part of Forney EDC downtown parking project along with a traffic study, an MOU with Wynne-Jackson, purchase of land on Pinson Rd, and an agreement with Markout Water.

Forney EDC forges ahead with downtown renovations

FEDC Nov. 10 moves forward with only contractor willing to bid on downtown redevelopment, approves redevelopment grant for Latham Bakery.

Forney EDC hold special meeting for HOT funds

The Forney EDC met to reissue advertising funds to the FHPL for the Spellman museum, which now has an official opening date!

Forney EDC approves incentive $ for Hampton Inn

The Forney EDC approved $100k reimbursement for the planned Hampton Inn on Regal Dr. and announced a business moving into the former Forney Sports Center.

Forney EDC considers detention pond maint, property sale

Forney EDC reconsiders maintenance of detention pond behind Wal*Mart, selects agent for sale of property.

Forney EDC approves HOT funds, budget.

During its July 14 meeting , the Forney EDC approved rather large amount of H.O.T. funds, approved next years' budget, and debated detention pond maintenance.


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