P&Z considers appeal for 306 S. Center
During its regular Feb. 07, 2019 meeting, the Forney Planning & Zoning Commission met and in summary: due to updated plans, sends request for 306 S. Center back to ARB; approved Golden Chick, a gas station, Eagle Ridge Ph. 4, modified plan for new Platinum Collision building, Travis Ranch.
- Elected Mr. Wilcoxson as Chairperson and Mr. Cunningham as Vice Chairperson.
- Held Public Hearings -
- a request for a certificate of appropriateness, in accordance with the Historic Overlay Zone district regulations, for exterior changes to the main structure at 306 S. Center Street.
Mr. Morgan explained the ARB denied the request, wanting to maintain home's historic design and keep the historic medallion. Owner appealed and revised the plans, to reduce porch expansion and have square columns to be more historically accurate. Staff received two calls, and letter from FHPL, against the change.
Mr. Raymond Smith asked to uphold the ARB ruling - he was on the original committee. Owner proposed significant changes: different materials and expanded porches.
Ms. Amy Britt, realtor for the seller: they were excited to bring house back to life, she told buyer city would welcome them with open arms, house was falling apart. They never saw the original structure, what was turned into the state was the current. She wondered how the FHPL could have seen the new plans, they met on 14th and previous owner asked them to write a letter, so their opposition is to the old plans. City wants to keep historic marker, she understands that, but from the street you wouldn't be able to see the porch changes. There was a door on the upper balcony. Queen Anne homes she has looked at don't have the criss-cross boards this had. So many people have called Austin about this house, they are considering coming to look at the house, in its current condition, and could remove the plaque.
Mr. Sellers apologized about last meeting, he got irate and felt he got ambushed. No one told him his plans had a problem. Other Queen Anne homes have huge porches. Mr. Grooms doesn't want him to change the house, he's not trying to change it. He wants to put a retaining wall in front of the porch and put the old bricks in front, to maintain looks. Bricks are deteriorating, no way can hold up front of house. The house is literally falling down. Mr. Grooms put haydite blocks under it, not good for a house this size. He's a contractor, knows how to build things. He'll be happy to take suggestions. He has much of the inside work done, he wants to meet them half-way. Every historic house has been changed. He's only talking about rebuilding dilapidated porches, widening them.
Mr. Ronnie Rexrode said they moved in 3 years ago, made changes to their house, supports what Mr. Sellers is doing. It will add value to Center Street, he would approve it if he was on the board.
Mr. Shimkus asked if HOZ seen new plans - Mr. Morgan said no, appeal was already filed, didn't want to delay by 3 weeks. Mr. Shimkus asked if could get plans back to HOZ; they are there for a reason. Mr. Wilkins asked why not be restored to acceptable state for ARB? Mr. Sellers said wanted to change square to round columns - some are round now, partway up. He went back and changed to square columns. Ducktail on roof was a concern, not the way it is now, but in history books it has it, he's fine with doing that. He's not trying to make it look different. Mr. Grooms said they have 20 gingerbread items, at first he didn't want to put them up, didn't like them, but now thinks they look ok. Upper balcony - was no railing when they bought it, don't when it last did. True Queen Anne railings: in 1886 that was all they could make then, he want to upgrade the home like other historic homes have. Porch in back - he said everyone said the look of front is important, what do in back, if can't be seen from street, is ok. He's moved the porch back 3 ft so can't be seen from front. He's not doing anything to the porch on the side facing Mr. Grooms.
Mr. Wilcoxson asked about the bricks - Sellers said there are 2 piles of bricks, from 1886 and 1901; they are brittle. He wants to put up a retaining wall, put the oldest bricks on the front of retaining wall, the less old bricks along the side. Mr. Wilcoxson asked if the were originally a skirt - Sellers said yes, and to hold up the porch. His intention was to use the bricks in a walkway. Mr. Wilcoxson asked if pier & beam - yes. Mr. Wilcoxson said he noticed the lattice-work - Mr. Sellers said it's back up, but is not on drawing, he thinks it's gorgeous. He does not want to lose the plaque, TX state person said need to get it right. State person said if ARB approves it, he doesn't have to come here, just send the approved plans for him to review. We probably wouldn't like it if he came here. House has been this way since 2010, is falling apart, can't fix after collapses. Mr. Wilcoxson asked if he was ok going back to ARB; Mr. Sellers said would like to get approved tonight, would take another month to do that, wants to be a part of the community. Mr. Shimkus asked if he met all the requirements of the ARB - 1st drawing, no, 2nd, yes. The only person complaining is who the one he bought house from. He asked Mr. Morgan if new plans needed to be changed - Mr. Morgan said staff can't speak for ARB, only calls have been about balcony. Mr. Seller said they need to tell him what about the balconies.
Mr. Cunningham asked the realtor when the house sold - October. So in 2018 historic marker was there for 6+ years, if there are changes won't lose designation? Realtor Ms. Britt said small changes can be made, . Mr. Cunningham said he deals with historic properties in Dallas, minor changes must be approved. FHPL didn't have access to these drawing at time of their ruling - correct. Mr. Morgan said letter came from FHPL, but ruling came from ARB. Mr. Wilcoxson said both were before these new drawings - yes.
Ms. Holler asked about the bricks - Mr. Morgan said any exterior changes require approval. Because they've been removed for so long... Mr. Sellers asked if they want him to put back to hold up porch - Mr. Morgan said whatever the revised plans show, if approved.
Mr. Cunningham review by ARB - the person from state said leaves decision to cities, he asked if could send back to ARB to review new drawings. Yes.
Mr. Shimkus moves to return to ARB, as Mr. Sellers if confident meets their requests. Approved. Mr. Sellers asked what if they turn him down? He could appeal that.
- a request for a certificate of appropriateness, in accordance with the Historic Overlay Zone district regulations, for exterior changes to the main structure at 306 S. Center Street.
- Approved a preliminary plat for Lot L and Lot M, Block B, Forney Marketplace Addition, located north of U.S. Highway 80 and west of Marketplace Boulevard.
Mr. Morgan said these two items are related. One of the building has already been constructed, with necessary easements, need these plats. 4.259 acres.
- Approved a final plat for Lot L and Lot M, Block B, Forney Marketplace Addition, located north of U.S. Highway 80 and west of Marketplace Boulevard.
- Approved a site plan for Breeze-In Gas Station and Car Wash, located north of Don T. Cates Drive and east of North F.M. 548.
Mr. Dixon said the property is vacant, rezoning was approved last April.
Mr. Morgan said had been a question about the driveway, could it be widened; applicant is open to that, depending on TxDOT. The future plat will have to state driveway width.
- Approved a site plan for Golden Chick, located southwest of the intersection of North F.M. 548 and Ridgecrest Road.
Mr. Dixon said property is vacant, PD approved in 2001, is S. of Aldi.
Mr. Wilcoxson said it mentions Golden + ; developer is still working on second tenant, there are two separate tenant spaces. Mr. Wilkins asked if 2nd space will be a restaurant - Mr. Dixon said based on parking spaces, yes. Mr. Chambers asked if two drive-throughs - just one, Golden Chick.
- Approved, with stipulations of park board, a final plat for Eagle Ridge, Phase 4, located southeast of the intersection of Ridgecrest Road and Longhorn Lane.
Mr. Morgan said was discussed months ago, one sticking point was easement in neighborhood, council did not like that, plat from 2008 showed relocation of gas easement. Plat revised, showing relocation, park land was put back, Parks board recommends fees in lieu. Access to park is limited, developer stated will maintain open space, Parks Board felt would be difficult to maintain, plus difficulty parking. Staff feels this largely conforms to 2008 plat. Mr. Chambers asked if will be any walkway - Mr. Morgan said nothing to Longhorn, have to walk along Ridgecrest.
- Approved, requiring more masonry, a site plan for Platinum Collision, located north of U.S. Highway 80 and east of Mustang Boulevard.
Mr. Dixon said has existing repair center to west, business park and Winslow's buildings on other sides. 14,264 sq ft building, ordinance requires 90% masonry. Plan shows front that is 100% masonry, rest is metal siding, applicant is requesting alternative materials.
Mr. Shimkus asked if current building is masonry in front + metal - no, it's tilt wall. Ms. Holler asked why doing building different - cost effective, plus the building is 20 years old, not going to match - front facade will be stone, like Lowes or Walmart. Colors will match what's there, will never see the metal building going down the road. Mr. Cunningham verified building is 75% metal - yes.
Motion to approve failed to acquire a second. Ms. Holler moved to deny due to metal siding. Applicant said this is the same as Forney Fence building, you can't see the metal. Mr. Wilkins said that was something that slipped by previous P&Z, wasn't supposed to look like that, it's not what was agreed to. Ms. Holler said 3 metal sides was too much. Applicant said the facade will help cover the metal buildings behind them.
After discussion about masonry percentage and technical options, moved to approve w/ masonry on sides 5ft high. Applicant said would like to make it uniform. Mr. Morgan verified the back can be all metal.
- Approved a preliminary plat for Travis Ranch, Phase 1H, a residential subdivision located west of F.M. 740 and north of Lake Ray Hubbard Drive in the City of Forney, Texas, extra-territorial jurisdiction.
Mr. Morgan said this has no zoning, no minimum lot size standards, does meet requirements for subdivision in ETJ. Mr. Wilcoxson asked if TxDOT suggested changes due to TIA.
Applicant rep said will submit plans with a left turn lane to TxDOT. Mr. Morgan said TxDOT sent a letter approving this development. Mr. Wilkins asked if were going to improve Clements drive; Mr. Morgan will speak with public works. Rep said work was part of Trinity Crossing and done improperly, contractor knows it failed, will be corrected before final acceptance. Mr. Chambers asked how many entrances - Mr. Morgan said one connection to adjacent phase, one to 740. How many homes in first phase? 140 lots. How long before other phases? Rep said Trinity Crossing phase two starting next month, phase three in util construction, 4-5 months.
- Adjourned at 1952.
Thursday, 2019, February 7