FISD prepares to expand
During its regular Dec. 03, 2018 meeting, the Forney Independent School District Board met and in summary:
- Held an executive session re:
- Employment of Professional Contract Personnel, Pursuant to Tex. Gov't Code 551.074, Personnel Matters
- Pursuit of Sanctions for Educator Abandonment of Contract, Pursuant to Tex. Gov't Code 551.074.
C) Consultation with Attorney, Pursuant to Tex Gov't Code 551.071
- Potential Purchase of Real Property consisting of four (4) tracts of land in the J. Lopez Survey, Abstract No. 286, Kaufman County, Texas, pursuant to Tex. Gov't Code 551.072.
- Invocation Led by Richie Mullis, Pastor at Free Life Church
- U.S. Flag - Secondary Student of the Month, Emily Howard, Eighth Grade Student at Brown Middle School
Dr. Pam Luttrull, Principal at Brown Middle School introduced the "famous Howard Family member" who is in student council, sings in choir, performed in theater, is in all-honors classes.
- Texas Pledge - Elementary Student of the Month, Hannah Houston, Sixth Grade Student at Rhea Elementary
Dr. Barbi Donehoo, Principal at Rhea Elementary introduced the dual-language student who sings, plays piano, is in gardening club. She led the pledge in English and Spanish.
- National Merit Commended Scholars
Ms. Sandi Whitley, Director of Future Ready Learning explained the testing procedure, about 3% of students (50,000) qualify.- Samuel Ivie - Forney High School
- Ryan Ruiz - Forney High School
- National Merit Hispanic Commended Scholars - about 5,000 students qualify for this award:
- Jordan Miner - Forney High School
- Ryan Ruiz - Forney High School
- Eagle Scout Project
Dr. Pam Luttrull, Principal at Brown Middle School and Dawn Sheets, Science Teacher at Brown Middle School explained his project was a weather station that does a live feed to her computer, which they use to help teach weather.- Austin Begin
- 2018 FCA Regional Leadership Award
Mr. Rick Geer, Chief of Human Services introduced Danny Noah who said this was the award for spreading the word about FCA and character coach program, thanks to the efforts of Neal Weaver it is the largest program in the US. Mr. Weaver said this is due to a great group of people, great things were happening in Forney beyond the courts and fields.
- Approved Donation by Claybon Elementary PTO for $8,000.00.
Ms. Kristie Crabtree, Principal at Claybon Elementary introduced the PTO leaders who presented the check.
- Public Comment - none.
- Monthly Financial Report
Mr. John Chase, Chief Financial Officer said 21% income, 23% expenses, roughly equal historic data.
- School Board Compliance/Non-Compliance of Continuing Education Hours Report
Mr. Greg Pharris, School Board President said the members have met or exceeded requirements.
- Master Planning Update
Ms. Kim Morisak, Chief of Information, Innovative and Technology Services introduced Mr. Gallagher, who said Smith & Rhea are on track, library went well over break. Will be pouring concrete for learning stairs. By Christmas break will be all inside work. FLA bathroom remodel complete, still waiting for canopy to arrive.
Ms. Morisak spoke about Criswell, which will have dual language programs; they will be converting some small spaces into usable learning spaces, all internal work paid from maintenance budget. Mr. Andrews asked about schedule - starts after last day of school. Mr. Carroll asked if ISD staff or Gallagher would do this - Gallagher. Dr. Terry said will bring pricing to the board later. Scoreboard at City Bank Stadium - old one been taken down, 3 new piers installed, on schedule to finish by Christmas break.
- New Website Update
Ms. Kristin Zastoupil, Executive Director of Marketing/Communications showed the demo site, the teacher side will remain the same, the public side will be mobile friendly and ADA compliant, and a new mobile app. Should go live in Jan, except to make changes during spring. Campus sites will move over the summer.
- Staffing Update
Mr. Geer and Mr. Riggs said 4 teachers were moved for efficiency, he thanked them for doing that. Several campuses are used for overflow. He showed the ratios for various campuses: K-4 at 22:1, 5-6 at 25:1 (which may change to 23:1), 7-12 at 23:1. Mr. Riggs showed the student to staff ratios which have moved from 8.7 to 9.2. Several principals have expressed need for more support personnel. FISD teachers serve 16.8 students vs. 16 for a comparison group of schools. Teacher % of staff is 53.1 vs 51.6. Student to staff FISD is 8.9 vs 8.2. They hope to get new staffing approve for elementary in Jan. The reconfiguration will result in many teachers being at different grade levels than before.
Mr. Geer said added 75 positions last year, will be asking for about 90 more. They have found certain county resources are lacking - the will bring information to the board later. Mr. Carroll asked if could become too efficient and overworking staff; Mr. Riggs said they will examine many factors, take feedback. When came out of financial situation, priority was to get teachers. Now need to look at more details, consider specialists, coaching staff.
- Approved as one consent item:
- Approve Budget Amendment
- Adopt the 2020-2021 School Calendar as Final Reading
- Contract with Gallagher Construction
- Request for Maximum Class Size Waiver Exemption
- Approved 2019-2020 Attendance Boundary Modification Plan -
Ms. Morisak showed the modified plan 6, some areas were shifted slightly, adding capacity at Crosby and Blackburn. Based on feedback, they considered exceptions - Mr. Geer presented those exceptions for students North of 80 but now zoned for the south side: 6th graders will have one-time option to choose Brown or Warren. 4th & 5th graders w/ siblings at Brown or NFHS will have the same one-time choice. Transportation will be changing to 3-tier system, which will allow for transfer students. K-3 in Brookville will have one-time option to stay at Criswell, upon reaching 5th grade, they will go to Smith.
Mr. Johnson asked if all exceptions must be done by March 1 - yes, staff will provide notices and emails. Mr. Carroll asked about Brookville: future students will have to follow the new plan where they follow N. side pattern - yes, this applies to only current K-3 students.
- Approved First and final reading of revisions to board policy FDB local -
Mr. Geer said this is due to zoning changes which affects transportation: it will change middle to intermediate; some other exceptions changed secondary to HS. They are requesting emergency adoption as allowed by special circumstances.
- Approved Chromebook purchase -
Ms. Morisak said need 10,500 chromebooks, previously got 7,500. This is the same model they currently use but 2 generations newer. They will continue self-insuring. Price is 2 million, per machine cost is up about $18. The company will warehouse the units as well as configuring and doing asset management. Mr. Carroll asked what happens to old ones - will be retained, they might offer them for sale to seniors. They need devices on hand, don't have any now. Rollout - they plan to start exchanging them at start of next year, by grade levels.
- Approved a resolution authorizing the issuance of FISD Public Property Finance Act Contract for district equipment purchase (the "PPFAC"); providing for the payment of the PPFAC; specifying the terms and structure of the PPFAC; and resolving other matters incident and related to the issuance, sale, payment, and delivery of the PPFAC.
Mr. Chase said this was to fund the approved purchase of chromebooks. They set aside $700k previously, will finance the remaining $1.3 million, closing costs about $15k. Loan at 3.15% = $75k cost.
Dr. Terry said financing is a good option, rates are good.
- Approved the employment of professional contract personnel recommended by administration.
- Approved Superintendent to pursue sanctions for educator abandonment of contract as discussed in executive session
- Approved the purchase of real property consisting of four (4) tracts of land in the J. Lopez Survey, Abstract NO. 286, Kaufman County, Texas, as discussed in closed session.
- Adjourned at 2016.
- Employment of Professional Contract Personnel, Pursuant to Tex. Gov't Code 551.074, Personnel Matters
Monday, 2018, December 3