Forney Crime Control and Prevention District 05/21

May 21, 2024 Forney Crime Control and Prevention District considered a resolution and election order.
During its May 21, 2024 meeting, the Forney Crime Control and Prevention District met to consider a resolution and election order.
(watch official video)

  • Appointed Greg Helm as vice-chair.  Chair Roberson and Traylor were connected remotely by video.

  • Held Public Hearings -
    • Approved adoption of a resolution approve a two-year crime control plan and budget plan.
          City Attorney Mr. Thatcher said at previous meetings they have discussed a proposed plan from Police Chief White.  Before taking action, a public hearing must be held.
      • Meg Adams, Executive Director of the Forney Chamber, spoke about managing growth, which the FEDC plays a vital role in, mentioning examples such as Amamzon, Goodyear, HEB, Gateway Project.  She asks them to wait on a decision until the next meeting, as important EDC employees are out of town, and the EDC presentation was somehow scheduled for the countil meeting, instead of this meeting.  She suggested the EDC specialists should have a chance to present their data, just as Chief White did.  She stated the board can wait until August to make a decision. 
      • Scott Burrus, 17 yr citizen, on EDC board for several years.  He agrees with comments by Ms. Adams, and asks for the city to partner with the EDC.

          Mr. Roberson said, as a previous EDC member, the city has always been a partner.  It is not true that the EDC alone provided growth.  Being at the ICSC (trade show) he sees the value of such a partnership.
          Ms. Schlensker said transparency is important, should not make a decision tonight, until after the EDC makes its presentation during the council meeting.  Haste on this is not best for the citizens; should allow more time for public input.
          Ms. Salgado reminded everyone they are not making a decsion, but voting to place the item on a ballot, where the citizens will decide.  She believes they have met enough to decide.  They have had input from Chief White, and at last meeting found out what EDC needs to meet their obligations.  They are not defunding the EDC or ending their partnership.  She believes they should decide tonight.
          Ms. Schlensker broached the subject of a tax rate increase, perhaps could get more data from finance dept, and consider giving Chief White her requested funds, rather than piecemeal this.  Two weeks would allow them to get better number to present to citizens.  She believes citizens will support the Police Dept.
          Mr. Traylor said during budget discussions a year ago, she was against any tax increase.  The current situtation is due to the actions taken last year.  Ms. Schlensker suggested it's due to actions during last eight years, but there comes a time when have to move forward, instead of standing still.  This increase would only be for Police Dept.
          Mr. Traylor asked if she supports a tax increase, instead of a net-neutral expense; she said it is a viable option to consider, once they have been presented with the facts, in the next two weeks. 
          Ms. Salgado said this is not what Chief White wanted, but it is enough to get started; a tax increase should be a separate discussion.  They need to put before the voters this option that does not raise taxes.
          Mr. Traylor moved to adopt these plans.
          Mr. Chambers asked Chief White to speak; Chief White said to be successful with the staffing study, she needs the 3/8 cent amount, to add 20 more officers.  Next year will likely do another staffing study due to growth.  She's willing to take what she can get, to get started.
          Ms. Schlensker said the plan tonight is a 2 yr plan; Chief White said it takes time to do the study.  Ms. Schlensker asked what would be cut by using 1/4 instead of the 4 cents (tax increase); Chief White said 12 positions instead of 20.  Ms. Schlensker asked about crime rates; Chief White said crimes against persons have increased six percent 2022-2023.  Ms. Schlensker said it appears narcotics and traffic citations have increased.  Chief White agreed some was due to increased traffic in the area, but also due to new officers.
          Mr. Helm said the item being voted on is to move 1/4 cent from EDC to CCPS; Mr. Thatcher said not quite, it does not specify where the funding comes from, the next item specifies the ballot item which specifies the funding.  Mr. Helm said: in summary, the plan doesn't cover what Chief White wanted, there will be discussions in the future.
          There was more discussion about the two agenda items; Mr. Weatherford said they are deciding the budget, not the funding.  Mr. Thatcher said the next item will determine funding.
          The motion was approved unanimously.

  • Approved an order calling an election regarding the Crime Control and Prevention District on Nov. 05, 2024.
        Mr. Thatcher said this proposes reducing tax rate of EDC by 1/4 cent, then raising it 1/4 cent for CCPD.
        Mr. Traylor moved to approve, Ms. Salgado second.  Ms. Salgado said it is council's job to keep residents safe, is 100% behind Chief White, this is a well researched plan, it is their duty to let residents decide.
        The motion was approved unanimously.
  • Adjourned at 1829
Tuesday, 2024, May 21